At 8 years old Betty (Reed) Card took her first dance class. She has been in over 55 recitals since then and as Artistic Director she shares her love of dance with thousands. From choreography and music to costuming and scenery Betty has done it all. Now she comes to you with her hand picked staff to do the one thing Betty does best... make people happy through dance and gymnastics. Whether you are a child taking lessons or a proud mother on recital night sitting in the crowd in the auditorium, she hopes to leave everyone with something very special to remember.
Our Story
In 2013 it was time for a fresh start. After many years as the Director of Dolly's Dance and Gymnastics, Miss Betty decided to open "Betty Card's Studio B'. Her entire staff remained the same as well as her location at St. Mary's Church Hall. There were some changes made but all of them proved to be for the good. Not only was the studio freshened up but the entire dance & gymnastics program was too.
Marcy Newhall Miss Betty Lisa Cullivan-White
Joleen Parisi-Freitas Amanda Hamel
Deyjah Nash Estrella Cullivan Ariee Nash
But many important things remained the same...
As always we are very proud of our family friendly atmosphere here at Studio B. Our students should be happy and totally enjoy their time spent with us. Smiles and laughter are plentiful during classes but our students education is just as important. You'll be very happy with the progress shown each week by your special little dancer or gymnast. They'll learn at least one complete dance and/or gymnastics routine featuring the skills and combinations learned during their lessons for presentation in our annual recital. Recital night promises to be a magical evening for your entire family when your little star takes the stage at Lynn Memorial Auditorium next June.
It has always been our belief that every child needs an outlet. Time in their schedule to forget about their homework or chores, cares or worries, and just have fun doing something they enjoy. Here they will couple that with the physical activity that is so often lacking in their lives today. They'll be interacting with classmates and teachers, improving their social skills while getting exercise and being exposed to different art forms from Ballet to Gymnastics depending on their interests.
Studio B is very proud to be a culturally diverse school here in Lynn, Massachusetts with students of many nationalities and cultures, where every child and adult can, and will feel comfortable.